Abstract: Networking is a one of the most critical professional activities that a chemist can do throughout their career. The COVID-19 global health pandemic has created an environment that has taken networking away from the coffee pot stations and after-hours establishments and placed it square in your kitchen and onto your couch. Despite what it may seem, our work from home (WFH) culture has created numerous ways to network while simultaneously maintaining social distance. This presentation will discuss some of the fundamentals of networking, ways to utilize your WFH status to your advantage, and how to grow your network of relationships to help you achieve your career goals.

Matt Grandbois is a Lead Market Manager with DuPont Electronics & Imaging located in Marlborough, MA. In this role, he leads the product and project portfolio management process to deliver innovative chemistries and materials for the manufacturing of semiconductors, advanced displays, and integrated circuits. Matt received his Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry from the University of Minnesota and his B.A degrees in Chemistry (ACS Approved) and Music from Augustana College in Sioux Falls, SD. Matt is currently a Member-At-Large for Central Massachusetts Local Section of the American Chemical Society and holds multiple volunteer leader roles across the American Chemical Society. He is a recognized and invited speaker on the topic of professional development for chemists and has given numerous ACS webinars on topics ranging from communications to networking.