*please note these two events will be two different zoom links
Thursday, September 10th, 2020
4:00pm: NESACS Virtual Talk by Derek Lowe
Last April the Central Massachusetts Section of the ACS (CMSACS) was forced to cancel the scheduled meeting and presentation by Dr. Derek Lowe due to the COVID-19 situation. On September 10 Dr. Lowe will be giving a Zoom talk to the Northeastern Section of the ACS (NESACS), which has graciously extended the invitation to attend to the members of our section. Dr. Lowe's presentation title is "Coronavirus Therapies: What's Probably Coming, and What Probably Isn't"; please follow this link to register. Upon registering you will receive an email with details of how to join the Zoom meeting.
5:15pm: CMSACS Virtual Section Meeting - bylaws focus
Following the presentation CMSACS will hold a separate Zoom meeting on important section business, specifically the section's new bylaws. Please try to attend as a quorum is required. A link to this meeting, which is different from the one for Dr. Lowe's presentation, was sent in a section email.
The proposed bylaws have been approved by the executive committee and vetted by national's Committee on Constitution and Bylaws (C&B).
They should be reviewed by the section members.